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Janice is the wife of her wonderful husband Michael Sr, and mom of two excellent children born 20 years apart. Janice’s beautiful and fashionable daughter, Alexia, and her inquisitive and joyful son, Michael Jr. Janice loves and treasures her family and enjoys spending time with them, making their favorite meals, watching movies and enjoying a day at the park. Shopping and doing girl’s stuff with Alexia, and playing on the floor with her toddler son, Michael Jr, who she is still nursing. Janice loves to read and write and writes passionately about subjects that mean the most to her. Additionally, Janice loves to tackle those “rock the boat” subjects as a blogger and author. Furthermore, Janice passionately writes to encourage women to walk in their anointing as Daughters of The King. Janice’s motto is “Teaching & Writing in Simplicity; That Even A Child Will Understand. Janice’s teaching ministry is under the covering of her spiritual father, Bishop Marvin Bradshaw Sr. Janice is the author of several books and has been writing for over 20 years.